Honest, Expert Product Reviews From A Honest Product Review Expert

Are you looking for help deciding what camera gear to buy, how to use the gear you own, or how to improve your photography skills?

To teach you how, I’ve launched

Dave Tries This With You

I’ve spent more than 20 years covering photo and tech gear, I’ve been the editor of multiple photography magazines, and have been a working photographer for more than 25 years. 

I want to use that experience to help you master photography.

With my personal money-back-gurantee there’s no risk. You either like our conversation, or it’s free. 

It’s a one-on-one, personalized video meeting designed to help you get the most out of your camera gear, computer gear, and any other technology you’d like to master

Schedule time with Dave Tries This With You to discuss any camera gear, technique or other tech questions you might have.

  • Get advice on the best camera gear to buy

  • Learn how to use features on your camera

  • Discuss photographic technique and settings

  • Develop a fail-proof backup strategy.

  • Get a photo critique

  • Find out what tablet or phone is right for you

  • Any photo or tech topic